Guidance on illness control

Important Information for all parents

This page is a guide for parents, below is a PDF link of illness and the recommended period to be kept away from our setting or schools for all children.

Please consider whether your child is well enough to attend if they are poorly and remember I am only human and I am not immune from everything I too get poorly and would hate to close due to illness that could be prevented.

If your child is too ill to join in with our daily routine, I will send them home. You know yourself if you are not feeling well you will not go into work, the same applies to your child.

*PLEASE NOTE* – Any child who has presented with the symptoms of vomiting & diarrhoea will not be readmitted on the premises for at least 48 HOURS from the last episode and full childcare fees will still be payable for your child’s place in their absence.

Please note at Hazey Dayz I will enforce these guidelines to protect other mindees, myself and my family.

You can find out more by clicking here.

Click here for full PDF file: